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Appel à articles – Rethinking motherhood in the 21st century (30.06.21)


Rethinking motherhood in the 21st century: New feminist approaches

Motherhood has been one of the central topics of feminist research and debate since, at least, the 1960s. Feminist approaches to it have been diverse and shifting, and they have in turn been linked to different ways of understanding feminism and to theoretical discussions about sexual difference. Over the last years, and in the context of the global reactivation of the feminist movement, there has been a rise in publications regarding maternity/maternities from new perspectives that permeate the different academic fields. This monograph wants to contribute to the current interdisciplinary academic research on maternity/maternities.

Our starting point is an understanding of motherhood as a shifting concept that has been historically changeable regarding both its meaning and its contents, and the identities and experiences it creates and it is based on. At the same time, the cultural load it has in different cultures and historical contexts is still a matter of controversy regarding its appropriate meanings and the practices derived from them. In order to contribute to this topic, we seek specialists in gender and feminist studies who can research and discuss, from a variety of perspectives, different dimensions of motherhood as a cultural and historical construct that acts as a source of normativism and exclusion under constant change, and that at the same time creates the framework for action and the transformation of senses and experiences associated to it.

More specifically, contributions to this monograph are encouraged to explore the relationships between feminisms and motherhood, the historical and current processes of politization of maternity and their effects, the approaches to motherhood in postcolonial literature, the potential of intersectional approaches (race, class, sex-gender diversity, post/colonialism, etc.) in the study of maternity, and the position of affections and emotions in the creation of discourses and practices around maternity. We believe that the different contexts and the wide range of discourses on motherhood generated by them can be useful to discuss in greater detail the multiple meanings ascribed to this topic in the conceptual networks in which they have been shaped as well as in the individual and collective uses with which they have now been associated.

PRE-SELECTION OF PAPERS: Abstracts with a maximum of 150 words (in English, Spanish, or French) and a short resume will be accepted from MAY 1 to JUNE 30, 2021. Both files must be sent to the coordinators ( and The authors will receive confirmation on their abstract acceptance or refusal before JULY 31, 2021.

ARTICLE SUBMISSION: Before MARCH 1, 2022, the authors must upload their articles IN ENGLISH to the journal platform, following the journal guidelines (

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Myriam Chatot (7 juin 2021). Appel à articles – Rethinking motherhood in the 21st century (30.06.21). REPPAMA. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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